Thursday, 15 May 2008

Silent spring

I walk a lot, well that is if hitch-hiking to and from the surf without any success constitutes serious walking. As I walk and the world slows down, I notice a lot more than I do from the passenger seat of the car, useful pieces of rope, various discarded bits of clothing and footwear (thongs are prominent) and of course rubbish. Lately I have noticed the alarming and portentous amount of small birds. Canaries- in- the -coalmine perhaps?

Whilst struggling furiously against ornithological representations in the work for fear of it looking like props in someone's Nu-folk video,why are there birds all around ?) I couldn't help making these small porcelain birds as a kind of testament to those frail corpses.


Mel Robson said...

Gerry these are beauuuutiful. If this is what you come up with when you are RESISTING the ornithological impulse I'd love to see what you come up with when you give over to it!

Anonymous said...

I agree they're pretty amazing, the atmosphere and lighting looks sort of like a morgue or a hall of remembrance.. a secret sacred place for dead birds

carole epp said...

wow, subtle, beautiful and powerful.