So what about a ' Pot-off' where a number of celebrities (be they artists or artistes or just famous for being famous) are challenged by a number of icons (oh sorry I meant experts) to come up with say, their version of a Hanson-Piggot tableau or a Chester Nealie chestnut. Obviously the eight week Anagama firing is out of the question so maybe the works would be unfired.(although you could whip up a Mincham or a Peascod and fire it in a couple of hours)
Just imagine the excitement of an entrant sweating over a raku kiln while Chester shakes his head and tut-tut's over the mannered throwing lines and Damon Moon frowns over the glaze ingredients.
sounds good Gerry!and in the next room we (Phil Hart)could train a monkey to throw?
Or you could have a figurine creating contest for novices and call it Australian Idol !?
This has legs.
I think Vipoo has already begun running Australian Idle...Or maybe Vipoo Voodoo.
I've got an electric egg poacher that tweets when the eggs are ready. A musical kiln could sing specified tunes at bisque, earthenware & stoneware etc, no need for cones or piros, it'd be handy for the celebs
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