The term 'design' has recently come to stand in for style or even taste.A designer has well tailored clothes in various shades of black.Now Geoff Mc Coy really IS a designer;somewhere between an artisan and a mad scientist.His determination to follow design priciples rather than trends has put him at odds with the mainstream.The pictured board is a new model called the Astron Zot developed from years of working on thickness and curve ratio's.Not everyone's cup of tea but certainly worth having in the quiver.
What are the dimension on that board?
Hi Gerry, how does the Astron Zot compare to a standard tri fin in performance? (speed, turning etc) I've surfed one of his Nuggets awhile ago however found it to be a bit sluggish so I'm a bit wary of them now. Paint the one in the photo bright yellow and it looks a bit like that wide arsed thing you used to surf back on the mid all those years ago!
Mick? I don't remember a yellow board but I am interested in wide arsed ones.The Nuggett is a personal choice;good for all kinds of things apart from fin wafts.I guess Mc Coy's shtick is about controlled glide carve. They're not going to give you the initial whoosh of a hard edged concave bottomed board with a straight planing surface.Sometimes I get the sluggish thing but it seems to be getting around sections well. There might also be an issue with spinning out in flat faced waves. I'm on a mission.
Must have been '79 or ;80 when you had the yellow thing. I saw you pulling floaters at Middleton Point one day. That's one way to get around a section...go over it. The last I saw, it was in at Fox's surf Shop on the esplanade up for sale. I was tempted but I was a broke tennager and it looked so so wide. The McCoy sounds like fun, although I've just spent the fun allowance on a wide, flat and super fast thing and I don't think I could go back. Not yet anyway. It will get a good run the next few days as there is a cyclone brewing and we're in the window. By the way we've never met, I lived and surfed at the Mid and South Coast for a few years and would have been an inconsequential grom! I happened upon you're blog and saw the McCoy and it's always good to get impartial info on different boards from someone who knows rather than the usual spiel. Cheers
Have any more pictures of the McCoy?
Gerry Any chance of an update on the Zot? I have a quiver of McCoy thrusters, 6'0 Potbelly and two Stumpys 6'0 and 6'3 (the 6'3 is coming soon). Wondering if the 6'3's extra float for me would replace the need for the Potbelly in mushy waves (and also go well in big stuff) and I can then replace the Potbelly with the Zot just for something different as I've never ridden a single of any brand, let alone McCoy.
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