Thursday, 5 August 2010


Sometime in the 80's I bought a beaten up Energy surfboard with weird belly channels. The board was super-light,highly manoeuvrable and one of those which you remember.It was shaped by Frank Latta. Frank died in the surf yesterday.

The 63-year-old was found floating in the surf at Valla Beach near Nambucca Heads near his surfboard yesterday morning.Previously he had been seen surfing for around an hour.Onlookers tried to revive him on the beach but were unsuccessful.Mr Latta was one of the best surfers in Australia in the 1960s and won several masters titles in the 1980s and 1990s when long boards became popular.

Vale Frank Latta

1 comment:

yolande clark said...

This is very sad, but poignant and poetic, somehow, too. Beautiful tile.