Thursday, 27 November 2008

Who ? Ray (Hooray!)

There are few in the commercial gallery sector willing to hoist themselves on a ceramic petard. Thankfully individuals such as the iconoclast Ray Hughes continue to show ceramics on a regular basis. The ceramic work he chooses to show rarely fits neatly into what is seen as mainstream modernist Australian ceramics. It seems ,as with the rest of his stable of artists,that his choices are driven by a very particular aesthetic. Ray shows wild stuff ! His shows run the gamut from Asafo flags to wild carved coffins from Ghana,from Michael Bell to Max Beckmann! Ray was on to what was happening art-wise in China long ago.

Sure,he often takes the Medici approach employing humble craftspeople to produce forms for fine artists to decorate.All qualms aside, he shows clay without any traces of irony or concessions to taste.

This month he is airing the stockroom and showing three people who make great work in clay. Get along!

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