Wednesday, 5 December 2007

nature boys

If anyone is in Byron Bay at the end of February Jeff Raglus and I have a show on in a great looking gallery space called SEA run by surfboard shaper Dain Thomas. Surfboard shaping is a dying craft having been largely co-opted by mass production in Thailand and more recently China. There are interesting parallels inherent in the crafts of surfboard-making and ceramics and the dilemnas being faced by them. Anyway here is one of Jeff's paintings and some tiles fresh out of the kiln. It is nice to scratch into the clay surface again rather than paint onto it.


Mel Robson said...

Not that you need an excuse to go to Byron Bay but that's as good a one as any!I'll make sure I get down there for a look see. Tiles look fantastic! Are you gonna be up for the show?

gerry said...

Yeah! We're going to have a Beach Blanket Bingo at Byron! The wife and boys are coming up and we're going to hang around for a week and do some surfing. Thanks for the nice comment.This work is a bit odd but marries two or three of my obsessions.
The white on white;s looked beautiful but I don't think you can get across the real picture in an image.(nice as those images are)

carole epp said...

I love the tiles! Wish I could make it to Byron Bay for the show, you two have fun!

Mel Robson said...

Make sure you remind me before the show and I'll head on down for the opening. Beach blanket bingo at byron sounds like the go! And come on Carol....!!!